Magnetic compass

The magnetic compass is fitted on the upper bridge exactly center line of the ship   It is referred to as standard compass     1. D ry C ard    2. W et C ard   A compass point north because all magnets have two poles north pole, south pole.   The north pole of the one magnet attracted towards the south pole of another magnet     DRY CARD COMPASS   A light aluminum ring about 254mm in diameter is attached to a brass hub by silk cord which is threaded in and out through holes in the ring.   This tight silk cord is act like bicycle wheels.   There is no other connection or support between the ring and the hub.   Silk cord is used because it doesn’t shrink or stretch due to moisture or change in atmospheric temperature.     Card support: -     The bottom of the hub has small cap fi tt ed with a sapphire bearing surface.   This rests on a pivot tipped with iridium which is hard nonmagnetic metal....



  • The primary purpose of the 3 volumes of IAMSAR is to assist states in meeting their own search and rescue and the obligation they accepted under the convention on INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION, THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON MARITIME RESCUE AND SOLAS CONVENTION.

  • These volumes provide guide lines for common aviation and maritime approach to organizing and providing SAR service states are encouraged to develop and improve their SAR services co- operate with neighbor states and to consider their SAR services to be part of a global system.


  • VOLUME 1:- The organization and management volume discusses the global SAR system concept, establish and improvement national and regional SAR systems and cooperation with neighboring states to provide effective and economical SAR.

  • VOLUME 2:- the mission coordination volume assists personnel who plan and coordinate search operation and exercises.

  • VOLUME 3:- The mobile facilities volume is intended to be carried aboard rescue unit, aircrafts and vessels to help with performance of a search, rescue or on scene coordinator function and with aspects of SAR that pertain to their own emergencies.

    IAMSAR Volume 3. This manual should be carried aboard rescue unit


The volume is published jointly done by the

1. International maritime organization

2. International civil aviation organization


  • When two or more SAR facilities conduct operation together, the SMC should designate an OSC.

  • If this is not possible, the facilities involved should by mutual agreement designate an OSC.

  • This should be done as early as practicable and preferably before arrival into the search area.

  • Until the OSC has been designated, the first facility arriving at SAR scene should assume his duties of OSC.

  • When deciding how much responsibility to delegate to the OSC the SMC normally consider the communications and personnel capabilities of the facilities involved.


  • Coordinator operation of all search and rescue facilities on scene.

  • Receives the search action plan or rescue plan from all SMC or if no search and rescue plan is otherwise available then the search and rescue plan.

  • Modify the search action or rescue action plan as the situation on scene dictates keeping the SMC advised.

  • Coordinate on scene communications.

  • Ensure SAR operations are conducted safely, paying particular attention to maintaining safe separation among all facilities both surface and air.

  • Make periodic situation reports to the SMC , the situation report should include ABOUT BUT NOT limited to

1. Weather and sea condition.

2. The result of search to date.

3. Any action taken.

4. Any future plans or recommendation.

  • Maintain a detailed record of the operation including

1. On scene arrival and departure times of SAR facilities other vessels and aircrafts engaged in the operation.

2. Areas searched

3. Track spacing used

4. Sightings and leads reported

5. Action taken

6. Result obtained.

  • Advice the SMC to release facilities no longer required.

  • Report the number and names of survivors to the SMC

  • Provide the SMC with the names and designations of facilities with survivors on board.

  • Report which survivors re in each facility.

  • Request additional SMC assistance when necessary (medical evacuation of seriously injure survivors)

  • OSC should ensure that reliable communication are maintained on scene


  • Each SAR operation is carried out under the guidance of an SMC. This function exist only fo the duration of a specific SAR incident performed by the RCC chief or designee.

  • The SMC should be well trained in all SAR process or plans.

  • Gather information about distress situations.

  • Develop an accurate and workable SAR action plans.

  • Dispatch and coordinate resources to carry SAR missions.

  • Obtain evaluate all data on the emergency.

  • Ascertain type of emergency

  • Remain informed of prevailing conditions.

  • If necessary, ascertain movements and location of vessel and alert shipping in likely search areas for rescue, lookout and radio watch.

  • Plot search areas to decide on methods or facilities to be used.

  • Develop search action plan and rescue action plan as apt

  • Arrange briefing and modify search action plan if necessary make arrangement for accommodation of SAR personnel.

  • Arrange for delivery of supplies to sustain survivors.

  • Maintain in chronological order up to date record.

  • Issue progress reports

  • Recommend to RCC chief abandoning or suspending the search.\

  • Release the SAR facilities when assistance is no longer required

  • Notify accident investigation authorities

  • Notify state of registry of aircraft and prepare a final report.


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